This chapter describes AppleTalk Phase 2 Zone Information Protocol (ZIP2) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
ZIP2.001 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.001 del zone zone
Long Syntax: ZIP2.001 deleting zone zone
Description: The indicated zone was deleted from the Zone Information Table.
ZIP2.002 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.002 no mem for new zone zone
Long Syntax: ZIP2.002 no memory for new zone zone
Description: The indicated zone was not inserted into the Zone Information Table due to insufficient memory in the router.
ZIP2.003 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.003 no mem for ZIP query net net_number
Long Syntax: ZIP2.003 no memory for ZIP query net net_number
Description: The router was unable to generate a zone name query for the indicated network because no memory was available for the outgoing packet.
ZIP2.004 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.004 query disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: ZIP2.004 query discarded net network reason error_code
Description: A zone name query was not transmitted on the indicated net for the specified reason.
ZIP2.006 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.006 query for net_num brdcst nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.006 query for net_num broadcast on net network
Description: A ZIP query was sent for the indicated net was broadcast on the specified interface.
ZIP2.008 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: ZIP2.008 rply rcvd frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.008 reply received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP reply packet was received from the indicated router.
ZIP2.009 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.009 ZIT entry, zn nm zone assgnd to nt net_number
Long Syntax: ZIP2.009 ZIT entry, zone name zone assigned to net net_number
Description: The specified zone name for the indicated net was added to the Zone Information Table.
ZIP2.011 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.011 rply disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: ZIP2.011 reply discarded net network reason error_code
Description: A ZIP reply was not sent for the indicated reason.
ZIP2.013 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: ZIP2.013 qry rcvd frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.013 query received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP query packet was received from the indicated node.
ZIP2.014 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.014 Bad GtNtInf rq frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.014 Bad GetNetInfo request from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP GetNetInfo request was discarded due to either a short packet length or non-blank fields.
Cause: The remote node has a programming error.
ZIP2.015 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.015 GtNtInf rqst frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.015 GetNetInfo request from src_net/ src_node net network.
Description: A ZIP GetNetInfo request was received from the indicated source.
ZIP2.016 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.016 no buf for ZIP GtNtInf rply to src_net/ src_node
Long Syntax: ZIP2.016 no packet buffer for ZIP GetNetInfo reply to src_net/ src_node.
Description: No packet buffer was available for sending a ZIP GetNetInfo reply to the specified source.
ZIP2.017 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.017 rply trunc frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.017 reply truncated from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP reply was received that was not long enough to contain all of the ZIP tuples. All tuples before the DDP end of the packet will be processed.
ZIP2.018 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.018 GtNtInf rply disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: ZIP2.018 GetNetInfo reply discarded net network reason error_code
Description: A ZIP GetNetInfo reply was not sent for the indicated reason.
ZIP2.019 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.019 GtNtInf rply for net_range frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.019 GetNetInfo reply for net net_range from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A GetNetInfo reply was received for the given net range from the indicated source over the indicated net.
ZIP2.020 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.020 GtNtInf rply trunc ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.020 GetNetInfo reply truncated ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A GetNetInfo reply was received with the packet too short to hold all the information.
Cause: The remote node has a programming error.
ZIP2.021 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.021 Ntfy frm src_net/ src_node nt network, ign
Long Syntax: ZIP2.021 ZIP Notify from src_net/ src_node net network, ignored
Description: A ZIP Notify was received, these are currently ignored.
ZIP2.023 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.023 ATP shrt ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.023 ATP short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An ATP packet was received that was too short to contain the ATP header. The packet will be discarded.
ZIP2.024 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: ZIP2.024 type rcvd frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.024 type received from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP GetMyZone, GetZoneList, or GetLocalZones ATP packet was received from the indicated host.
ZIP2.025 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.025 ATP bd hdr frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.025 ATP bad header from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: Bad ATP header from specified host. TReq not XO, or low bit of Bitmap not set. The packet will be discarded.
ZIP2.026 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.026 ATP bd func function frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.026 ATP bd function function from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP ATP packet was received with a bad function code in the ATP user bytes. The packet will be discarded.
ZIP2.027 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.027 type too long ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.027 type too long ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP GetMyZone or GetZoneList ATP request packet was too long.
ZIP2.028 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.028 GetZoneList strt indx 0 frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.028 GetZoneList start index 0 from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: An ZIP GetZoneList or GetLocalZones packet was received with a start index of 0.
ZIP2.029 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.029 GetMyZone strt indx not 0 frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.029 GetMyZone start index not 0 from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A GetMyZone ATP packet was received where the start index was not 0. The packet will be discarded.
ZIP2.030 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.030 No zn nm assoc wth nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.030 No zone name associated with net network
Description: There is no zone name associated with the indicated directly connected network.
Cause: This is a temporary condition where the router has received a ZIP GetMyZone packet before it has learned the zone name of the network for this interface.
ZIP2.031 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.031 typeReply disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: ZIP2.031 typeReply discarded net network reason error_code
Description: A ZIP GetZoneList, GetMyZone or GetLocalZones Reply was not sent for the indicated reason.
ZIP2.032 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.032 Ntfy trunc ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.032 Notify truncated ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP Notify packet was received that was not long enough to contain the claimed zone name length.
ZIP2.033 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.033 type usr byt 2 not 0 frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.033 type user byte 2 not 0 from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP GetMyZone, GetZoneList or GetLocalZones ATP packet was received with user byte 2 of the ATP header not 0 from the indicated host. The packet will be discarded.
ZIP2.034 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.034 GetZoneList st indx index, high frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.034 GetZoneList start index index, too high from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP GetZoneList or GetLocalZones packet was received asking for zones with indices above the one given, but none were found.
Cause: A change in the ZIT, such as a zone deletion, has caused the indices to change values since the last GetZoneList request.
Action: Try again.
Cause: The remote node has a programing error.
ZIP2.035 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.035 query cnt 0 frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.035 query count 0 from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP Query packet was received with a network count of 0.
ZIP2.036 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.036 rply cnt 0 frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.036 reply count 0 from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP Reply packet was received with a network count of 0.
ZIP2.038 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.038 cnt network_count & len ( length) disag frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.038 Network count network_count and DDP length ( length bytes) disagree from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP Query packet was received where the expected length based on the ZIP network count does not agree with the actual DDP length of the packet.
Cause: Programming error at remote node.
ZIP2.039 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.039 unk nt network_number in qry frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.039 Unknown network number network_number in Query from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP query packet was received with the specified network number in the ZIP data, but this network is not in the RTMP database, or does not have a zone name in the ZIP database. Processing of the packet will continue.
ZIP2.040 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.040 unk nt network_number in rply frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.040 Unknown network number network_number in Reply from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP Reply packet was received with the specified network number in the ZIP data, but this network is not in the RTMP database. Processing of the packet will continue.
ZIP2.041 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.041 rq on unseed pt frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.041 Request on unseeded port from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP query or request was received on an unseeded port that hasn't obtained its net range from a seeded router. Processing of the packet will stop.
ZIP2.042 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.042 rply bd tpl nm len length nt network frm src_net/ src_node nt network, ign
Long Syntax: ZIP2.042 reply bad tuple name length length network network from src_net/ src_node net network, ignored
Description: A ZIP reply packet was received where one of the zone names was not of a legal length (between 1 and 32 characters). Processing of the reply ends with the ZIP tuple for the noted network number.
ZIP2.043 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.043 no mem for GtNtInf rq nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.043 no memory for GetNetInfo request net network
Description: The router was unable to generate a GetNetInfo request for the indicated network because no memory was available for the outgoing packet.
ZIP2.044 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.044 GtNtInf disc nt network rsn error_code
Long Syntax: ZIP2.044 GetNetInfo discarded net network reason error_code
Description: A GetNetInfo request was not transmitted on the indicated net for the specified reason.
ZIP2.045 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.045 GtNtInf brdcst nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.045 GetNetInfo broadcast on net network
Description: A GetNetInfo request for the indicated net was broadcast on the specified interface.
ZIP2.046 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.046 zone zonename filtered from nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.046 zonename zonename filtered from net network
Description: Zonename information was received on an interface but filtered by the input filter list.
ZIP2.047 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.047 query for net_num snt to net_num/ node_num nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.047 query for net_num sent to net_num/ node_num net network
Description: A ZIP query was sent for the indicated net to the specified router.
ZIP2.048 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.048 unrcgnzd ZIP typ type fr src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.048 unrecognized ZIP type type from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP packet with an unrecognized command type was encountered.
ZIP2.049 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.049 no buf for ZIP rply to net_num/ node
Long Syntax: ZIP2.049 no packet buffer for ZIP reply to net_num/ node
Description: No packet buffer was available for sending a ZIP reply to the specified router.
ZIP2.050 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ZIP2.050 rply net net_num snt to src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.050 reply net net_num sent to src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP reply was sent to the indicated router.
ZIP2.051 |
Short Syntax: ZIP2.051 short ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network
Long Syntax: ZIP2.051 packet short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network
Description: A ZIP packet was received that was not long enough to contain the 2 byte ZIP header after the DDP header. The packet will be discarded.